A project that relies on the adage 'form follows function,' the Artist's Residence draws inspiration from the idea that there are three separate sides to every artist: their public side, their creative side, and their private side.

Artist's Residence is a project that plays on the segmentation of an artist’s life as a sculptor at Franconia. There are three main elements: their work life, their public life, and their private life. Each of these elements is given its own separate space with its own relationship to the site. An artist’s work is what brings them to Franconia in the first place, so their studios are the thought to be of the site, buried in the earth mound. The public space sits level with the park, putting it squarely in the realm of the sculptures, with its open glass facade allowing views out into the park. The private spaces are the most removed, suggesting that no matter what happens in their public and work life, an artist’s private life is a place of refuge and separation.

The whole building is organized around a pair of axis which divide the program, the circulation, the view orientations and sensory experiences. There is a focusing of views towards the landscape, with the glazing placed on the west side towards the forest and farm fields. In addition, a green roof replaces the ground space used in the development of the studio and gallery spaces.
Location: Franconia Sculpture Park
Year: 2017
Type: Studio Project