Boardwalks are often associated with two things - recreation and entertainment, and connection to nature. Amager Boardwalk blends the two boardwalk types into one network that connects people to each other and to nature, creating a unique community and sensory experience.

Sometimes overshadowed by Copenhagen, the Amagerbro neighborhood is a place filled with its own diverse community of students, seniors, and children, Danes and immigrants, working class and wealthy citizens alike. It's a mixture of different groups that often lacks social interactions, creating small pockets of isolated communities. It deserves an urban environment that allows these communities to meet, to celebrate, to relax; places to be together.

The themes that kept coming up during discussions with residents were a lack of green spaces and a lack of activity on the street, which contributed to a cold environment that felt unsafe. The new plan for the neighborhood grows out from København Universetet (a space already teeming with student life) into a boardwalk network that creates inviting, green, social spaces. Reactivating the corner entrance to the university creates a critical hinge that connects the community, while also providing a natural sink for water collected throughout the boardwalk network during rain events.
Location: København, Denmark
Year: 2019
Type: Studio Project